Thursday, March 20, 2008

I should have been a librarian

Dear K,
Ever since I was little, my love affair with libraries and books grows every year. Some of my earliest memories are of the children's section in our city's library - my parents, who are huge readers were a big contributor to this. When I was 9, my name was published for the first time in "Highlights for Children," in a section where readers could write about what they wanted to be when they grew up. I became a celebrity for a day when my little face was then on the front page of our city's newspaper with some sort of heading like, "Local girl published in Highlights for seeking library career." I grinned as the photographer took photos of me surrounded with my favorite Nancy Drews.
Not much has changed really... I still get that fuzzy feeling while sifting through stacks. Also, since S and I recently decided to get married at a library (a nerd's dream!).. lets say I've been thinking about them alot. In my searching and sifting I came upon photographer, Mickey Smith. I think this gal is really onto something. See more of her work here:

There is just something about these photographs. The silence, the smells, the feeling of wheeling those long-forgotten stacks apart from one another to look at books that no one has touched in years. I can see the dust flying right off of these slick glossied spines... and all I want to do is check one out.

With bookish love,

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