Dear K,
First - congrats, Mrs.!!!
Wouldn't you love this combination of wall drawings, sharpie markers as a faux wallpaper in your newly married apartment?? - I certainly would. And you could save so much money on furniture! See the artist's website for further images.
I'm clearly in a nesting phase, but still pondering my wallpaper piece that I did earlier this year. I'm thinking of transforming it into an installation for an upcoming show. The idea of combining a medium that has such a royal/regal history like wallpaper, with the casualness and low-brow nature of a sharpie is pretty genius. Opposites - let's talk about them.
High art vs. low art
Tiny drawings vs. wall drawings
Motion graphics vs. still images
Delicate vs. powerful
Quiet vs. loud.
This is where I'm at today - stuck in the middle, but enjoying the line quality.