Monday, October 3, 2011

Hanging in the wind...

Hey K,

Sorry I've been out of regular posts. . . Been thinking of you - and congrats on your newest exhibit! The photos look so awesome! I too love seeing art in non-art places and that industrial space is super cool. Parallel lives strike again with Florida and Chicago connections. Speaking of, Bill Tasma's drawing on the places/spaces he has lived totally remind me of my Homestellations and other "not made yet" pieces that are similiar in my head. I love the fact that the drawing were made on dry-erase boards, reminds me of erasing memory/erasing bad memories of spaces. Ironically, I'm applying to be in a show at Evanston Art Center by you with Homestellations and another night sky photo piece. ;) We'll see.. 

In addition to several applications checked off my list in the last few weeks (finished applying to a big grant and a couple of shows), I finished my cuttings - without an assistant. I'm currently taking applications!! I'm looking forward to installing them soon. Check out Whitespace's season of programming, including my project in the "Special Projects" section.  

Art + life + lots of lesson plans had me wanting to do something fun.. Here's hubs and I parasailing over Palm Beach yesterday. Honestly, I was a bit more freaked out than I thought I would be.. plus, these photos were taken pre-barfing on the boat from motion sickness from the ocean. Yikes! Fun activity gone bust ;) Oh well.. one more thing off the bucket list. It was pretty beautiful and oh, so, quiet.... 

Miss you - Hope you are great. 
xoxo, K. 

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